Sunday, November 21, 2010

PE8_Google Docs difficulties

You know I have been implementing Google Docs in my real world environment with my Kiddos, but they don’t seem to want to explore this avenue and have at it.  The person that seems to have a problem using this program is I.  I have been using Microsoft Office religiously from the start; in fact I teach a BCIS class that entails the use of Microsoft Office 2007, so it is very difficult to integrate it or its use in that class.  Furthermore, I feel that Google Docs has great capabilities, but the formatting is not as user friendly to me.  The collaborative environment is the only beneficial thing I see from it.  Why should I do my work on Google Docs when I’m comfortable with Office 07?

The two classes that love Google Docs is the Web Design sections.  I think this particular group has the curiosity to continue or explore html and all Web 2.0 tools.  This group learns at that capacity.  I do have a wide range of economical classes within my students, and I can see it being of use for the lower-middle classification of students.  I think that Google Docs provides a fantastic free service, in addition provides the versatility to do many things; but again, how do I model the use of Google Docs.  The one thing I can emphasize as I expand the introduction and use of Google Docs is the collaborative features and the storage features.  I do believe in “nobody is smarter than everyone,” so I have to pitch this collaborative opportunity faithfully.  How do I get the adults to use this religiously, because the benefits are there? 

PE7_Collaborating with groups

The following blog is the continuance of working with Google Docs.  I had the opportunity to consult with my Web Design class that has many student council members from the senior class, and I went over the use of Google Docs.  I went through one-on-one instruction after going over tutorials that I developed for Google Docs relevant to work that might possibly require their attention. 

The following feedback was given to me.  After learning that they could build off the Personal Learning Environment using Google Docs, they were real excited to use that forum for communication outside the classroom.  I stressed the importance of communication outside of the classroom and they took off with projects pertaining to fundraising, and events organized for the school. They felt that the number one cause that was being helped was prom.   Though prom was months away, the planning process is rigorous and most of the backchannel information has been tossed around using Google Docs.  Most of it on ideas list of certain elements that need to happen. Because we are a private school, our dollars need to be allocated and spent wisely.  This process of using Google Docs initiates a "go green" atmosphere that saves on paper, dollars, and time.  The next stop was to initiate teachers that have a responsibility to an extra curricular activity to use this process.  Though teachers use Outlook as a primary source of communicating, I strongly feel that they would get much more done with using Google Docs as a primary source of communication with extra-curricular implications.  

Stay tuned for more info on the journey. 

ETC Final Video_Persuasive message of accountability.

Cultivating accountability is key to success for all parties in education.

Click the following link to view the video.

Monday, November 15, 2010

PE6_First week wrapped up of Google Docs

Well everybody, Google Docs has proven to be a hit in the classroom.  They are finding out the connect-ability of Google to many gadgets and features tying into Microsoft Office and other classes for school.  Bottom line, Google has created a hybrid learning environment that caters to exact wants of my students.  I've gone over the standard stuff that we learned in MLR that has tied in perfectly to the hook of iGoogle.  Once I showed them the accessibility of many platforms within one, using the box of links and other gadgets, students found many relevant things for other classes and time management organizers.

Enter the combination of using iGoogle, and your assignments as a folder to store needed materials without having to carry so much as a backpack.  The students loved that idea.  I also introduced the advance capabilities using current Android market phones that many students use.  Android market phones run Google software that synchronizes perfectly for a Personal Learning Environment (PLE).

However, the meat and potatoes of this exploration is to use Google Docs as a one-stop shop to carry the majority of information.  At this point, I started to implement more collaboration assignments with Google Docs.  The students saw how easy it was to grade each other's weekly practical work.  This allowed for instant feedback for students, however I reached the goal of planting the seed of collaboration.  Another task I had them do is the filming of a movie illustrating the importance of online safety.  My students were forced to use their own time for collaboration wisely.   This is an ongoing assignment so I will share a video once I get them submitted.  I do know that because we are not working on this project as an in-class assignment, my students have mentioned that iGoogle was a main catalyst in communication as well as Facebook;  the interesting thing now is, Facebook is now apart of their iGoogle page as a gadget.   My hopeful expectation is that they may carry this tool into other classes consistently and build on the sustainability aspect.  As I proceed further into the capabilities of Google Docs, I will find cool features to implement and close the sale of this wonderful product Google has provided us with.  Thank you for following this Blog and stay tuned for further practical experiences within Google Docs.

PE5_Continuing with Google Docs

Please follow this link to view a video of my Google Docs experiment.

PE4_Google Docs

Hello again folks!  Welcome back to my blog and thanks for the support.  I recently was enticed by an assignment of finding a tool that serves practical purposes in my environment.  Google Docs has been a joy to discover, but the reality had not dawned on me that I can solve a flash-drive problem at my high school.  My students have a hard time of hanging on to those things, for whatever reason that is.  I want a way to solve the problem for students who are forgetful and whom have circumstances of why they don't have their  flash-drives.  So i investigated the potential; my number 1 source?

As you can see with the above image, I was able to insert Power Point Presentations; the one above is a Computer Orientation for the first days of class.  I found that presentations that the Lynda tutorial stated of a Power Point 07 not to properly load, but proceeded to convert and upload as a 97-03 format.  Google Docs can serve a purpose in my classroom though because of the upload ability of Word, Excel, and PDF's.  I love how you can transfer files and you can have accessibility to your igoogle features.

The second image shows a built file list in my All items mode.  I am starting to have confidence in the possibilities of introduce this tool to my class.  I have to increase my knowledge of these features, but thus far, I've been impressed with the innovation of Google.  For them to create something of a web ecosystem has been marvelous with virtually no expense but a computer and internet, it's something.   Google Docs and it's versatility carry an abundance of weight with them, as it's an easy plug-in with Microsoft Office, one of the course applications I teach.  Do the documents upload perfect?  An example of a bad experiment might be more of a document with complex formatting settings.  However many standard documents are easily plug able.   In addition, the tutorial covered many ways to use ready-to-go templates at Google Docs disposal.  

I was thoroughly impressed with my initial experiences in really digging in Google Docs potential and impact on my classroom.  Stay tuned for further updates on the Google Docs week experiment.   

Sunday, November 14, 2010